Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents Are The Best Teachers.

I agree with parents being the best teachers one reason i think that they are the best teachers is because they have good habits and we grasp them and use those habits in the real world. Another reason is that they practice what they preach and do it for a reason because they want us to to be successful in the real world. My final reason is that they try to teach us how to grow up and not be little kids anymore and to depend on your self and don't count on nobody else. They teach us to be polite and to shoe people who we really are.

My second reason why i think they are the best teachers is that they have good manners and we grasp them and use those manners. My dad has good manners and he is really respectful and very smart and very talented and i grasp those habits form him to be successful in the real world. Also my mom has great habits and bad habits and she has a lot of friends for the simple fact that she is a very serious and she always says give respect to get respect. Finally My parents leave good reputations behind there self and where ever they go they get rep sect so i want to look up to them and go places where people respect me and take me serious. Are parents tell us this stuff for a reason because they really care about us and they love us to much to see us mess up.

Another reason is that they practice what they preach.They tell us to be good in school and not make a fool out of your self and show people who you really are and that what they do and they tell us is because they do it to be a very bright person. I think that they don't tell us stuff just to say it they tell us it because they care about me and they want the base for me. Next they tell us when we get in trouble that they are not going to be there for us anymore and no matter what if there mad at us they still give us the stuff we need.Then they try to show us if you act your age and behave you will get rewarded with happiness and greatness.

Finally they try to teach us how to grow up and not be little kids anymore. I think they tell us to be dependent and not to count on other people to be there for you but your self. Another reason is that they tell us that for a reason because they care about us and they don't want people to take us as a joke. Also they try to teach us how to be good men towards girls and how to respect them and they will respect you back. H ow would you like it if people thought you acted like a little kid and toke advantage of you and toke you as a joke.

I agree with parents being the best teachers. one reason why i think they are the best teachers is that they have good habits and we grasp them and use those habits in the real world. Another reason is that they practice what they preach and do it for a reason because they want us to be successful in the real world.My final reason is that i think they try to teach us how to grow up and not be little kids anymore and to depend on your self and don't count on nobody else.

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