Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her smile when i looked at her smile, i knew she was up to something.when i saw that smile that smile made my day i was shocked by her beauty and fulfilled with her kindness.As i begin to ask her name she said Jessica and i said that is a very beautiful name. and she asked me my name i said my name is tony and she said that my name is very "marvelous".As i began to say thank she said where do you live by and i told her i stay over on mango street she stayed a few blocks away on peach street. And i said that nice but i told her can i catch you some time later because i have to help my mom with the grocery and help her around the house i said it was a great pleasure to meet a very generous person like you that is kind and very beautiful and if you don't mind some time Saturday we we can go out for some McDonald's and catch a movie. She replied uhhhh sure why not i said is Saturday good i will pick you up at your place 6:00 p.m. sharp. next as we began to leave i toke her number down and i said by she gave me that very beautiful smile that just fulfilled me with joy and motivation that smile motivated me to just scream out loud i give her a call Friday i asked are we still on Saturday and she replies yes so i said i will pick you up and she said bye. And as i hear her voice on the phone i had a visions of her face with that very beautiful smile. then comes Saturday my best friend Omar comes and he asked me if i want to hang out with him and i replied no he began to start screaming at me and saying that why am i pushing him to the side and i had to determine weather i wanted to hang out with him or Jessica so i chose her and our friendship became to an end.Then comes Saturday and i pick her up and she knew something was wrong and i began to tell her the problems i am having with my best friend and she said that if I'm interrupting we can hang out some other time and i said no its fine thanks for asking she said "NO its fine hang out with your buddies ad wenng out some other time and i said really and i said that thanks so then i began to run to Omar's house and said lets hang out and he said all right and i said lets play football and he said lets go so we head down to the park and we play football then as we finish we headed down to the pizza shack and we eat pizza then we called it the night.Finally i went home got some sleep and woke up Sunday and called Jessica and said want to hang out she said yes so we went down to the movies and then went to get some McDonald's then i toke her home. As I'm walking home by my self i said it worked out fined i didn't lose my best friend or a very beautiful young lady named Jessica As i said to my self these last two days been so "marvelous"to me and my best friend and i were going to hang out with Jessica next weekend because he wanted to meet her.

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