Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers For Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary why or why not? use examples from the story.

If I was given this choice I would not receive this operation because I think that it would be waste of time and it would’not be worth it because I think that I am smart also I think I should use what I have and I should not take something that is not important also I would say that whatever god gave me he gave it to me for a reason and I should work up to my potential what with I got. And also this surgery will only make you smart for a little bit of time and then you are going to be smart and using all these big words and stuff and then when the smartness goes away your going to be at the level you were at your not going to be smart that is something putting you to sleep and and putting something in your body to make you smarter and basically somebody being smart for you and your not learning nothing and also i would say that you have the ability to learn whatever you want without having this surgery because what god gave he knew we can work up to are potential and we can be successfully with it.


  1. good stuff Tony i liked yours keep up the good work and why u put =[ on my comment

  2. nice job tony I liked your work...=]
    Great job keep it up...

  3. those were some good reasons tony I never thought of it like that

  4. well i agree with you in some parts! =]
    but good job=]



  5. nice job. i agree with you. i like your response you gave. <3 :]
