Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, chapters 3-7

after reading chapter 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter give your solutions for each?

A problem that Benjamin is going to encounter is that he is going to find allot of girls and that he is going to date them because there going to think he is a cutie and then in solution to that he is going to have to leave all of them to the side and say that i only want to be with one and it is time to get series because i have a teenage son that i got to leave a good impression on.

Another problem is that he is going to be involve with this new wife of his and he is going to want to spend the rest of his life with her and he is going to get young and he wont be able to be with her anymore in solution to this i think he should just tell them that i only can be with for a little bit of time before i have to leave and take care of some business and he will have to leave her.

Finally i think that another problem he will run into is that when he gets younger that all the people that were making fun of roger button son they are going to say he is cute and ask him on a date in solution to that he should say that before when i looked like an old man you couldn't except me for who i was what is the difference now i still am who i really was before