Wednesday, March 25, 2009


1.) When people lie to me.
2.) People mocking me.
3.) I hate to Lose.
4.) I hate when people take advantage of me
5.) I don’t like it when people call me by my middle name.
6.) I hate playing on a team with a whole bunch of all-stars.
7.) I don’t like it when people want to fight when they lose.
8.) I hate people that don’t fight to the end.
9.) I hate traders.
10.) don’t like it when I put people under prepresure.
11.) I hate when my friends are mad at me.
12.) I hate playing for coaches that don’t have respect for the game of basketball and just want to win.
13.) I hate it when I get on my moms bad side of her.
14.) I don’t like it when people don’t accept you for who you are.
15.) I hate cheaters with a passion.
16.) I hate when family sleepover because I have to share my bed.
17.) I hate it when people try to be somebody there not.
18.) I hate bluffs.
19.) I hate it when I lose bets or money.
20.) I don’t like It when people brag about there game.
21.) I hate it when people take or touch my stuff without my permission.
22.) I hate it when people cant speak the truth.
23.) I hate it when I lose something valuable.
24.) I don’t like it when people are playing for stats and is not a team player.
25.) I hate it when I have to respect or do what authority say.


  1. I hate respecting authority to and then they act like they own you but yeah wtv it doesnt matter. i agree with #s 2 4 9 14 18 23 and 25 :)

  2. nice job tony i like numbers 3,12,19,22,and 23

  3. the one i like the most and i am going to call u dat is #5

  4. I like number 22..nice job!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
