Friday, May 8, 2009

Solving A Problem On The Street

One problem that I see in the streets all the time is that people are always dieing in the streets because they have gang bangers out there that like to kill people and also that you have drunk drivers that drink there life away and cant drive and drive on a rampage and they take an innocents person life away also they kill people because they don’t give them the amount of drugs they owe them.
One solution that I think they can help people stop dying is that if they stop letting these game bangers run wild and free in the streets. I think that every time they see a group of young guys or ladies they should stop them because you don’t know what they have on them. Next thing I think is that they should park there cars in the neiborhoods that are affiliated with gangs for about 1 hour and make sure everything’s is alright. Then I think that they should stop and pull people over if they see them with a lot of guys in the car and they look suspicious I say it wouldn’t hurt to try. Finally I think that they should let young kids hang on the corners and if they do stop and tell them to move or your going to lock them up. Also they should have grown men telling these kids that they shouldn’t be out there killing other people because its not worth it and what you do to others it may come back to you or to somebody you truly love.
My second solution is that they should limit the number of drinks that people buy at the bar at the club another thing is that the state of Illinois should have a rule that you cant leave until somebody picks you up or you call a taxi I say this because you are not only putting your life in danger your putting millions of other people to because the same you have to drive they have to drive to not only that you know we have to here that somebody has died because an idiot on the street was driving drunk not only that there should have the time of the bars open to a certain time and only on the weekend because drinkers that drink 24/7 are going to lose there minds and go crazy so that another solution I think
Finally another soluiton I think is that people are also dying because you hve people that owe other people mney and weed and they don’t want to pay so that they have to go and shoot them or stab them to send out a message that they don’t play also I think we can resolve this by illigilizing weed and offering more jobs in the community and that will open the doors for people to make money and they will have enuff money to buy there own weed

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