Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr heidegger's experiment

write down your observations on this experiment

As me Dr. Heidegger's i would not receive to take this water because these people only went back in time for a little bit and they got young and started doing the same stuff that they did when they were young instead of doing better while they were older and also they are going to make the same mistakes that they made and why would you wan to go back and experience something that you done once twice and i think that what was the point of taking it because it is going to be there an limited of time and go back so i would that taking that medicine is only going to make you different for hours and then when you take that water all your going to do is fight with your friends over a girl that is a widow and when she was young she was very loose

Thursday, April 23, 2009

desiree's baby and the sequel

What i think that is going to happen next is that she is going continue living at home with her mom and the baby and that she is going to be safe with her mom and her son and she is going to find somebody that is going to accept her for her she is and that's what i think is going to happen also another thing is the dad is going to stay single for a little while then he is going to miss his family and he is going to want them back and he is going to do it before it gets to late. also the kid is going to grow up without knowing his dad. and he is going to know that his dad

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers For Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary why or why not? use examples from the story.

If I was given this choice I would not receive this operation because I think that it would be waste of time and it would’not be worth it because I think that I am smart also I think I should use what I have and I should not take something that is not important also I would say that whatever god gave me he gave it to me for a reason and I should work up to my potential what with I got. And also this surgery will only make you smart for a little bit of time and then you are going to be smart and using all these big words and stuff and then when the smartness goes away your going to be at the level you were at your not going to be smart that is something putting you to sleep and and putting something in your body to make you smarter and basically somebody being smart for you and your not learning nothing and also i would say that you have the ability to learn whatever you want without having this surgery because what god gave he knew we can work up to are potential and we can be successfully with it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

the curious case of benamin button chapter 8-the end

explain what this story says about each of these issues. use examples from the story to support your explanation
I think that what family means for me in the story is that his own family members couldnt accept other family members for who they or the way they looked they always had to come to comparmises with eachother and that means that family in the story was that they were like friends and really didnt care about eachother they always tryed to bring eachother down with one an other and family in this story was that they tryed to support and come along way way with eachother but something always popped up to ruin it.

i think that what agremeant in the story was that every time somebody got older than Benjamin will get younger and he kept on getting younger until he was a baby and always age was like that everybody was the same age and Benjamin was going to school with his grandson and it was like everybody will gain a couple years and some people will decrease in years so that showed that one point in the story that everybody was almost the same age and that they all were having the same habits and they all were encountering diff rent ways of living life at the same age.

in my eyes i think that beauty played a big role in this story because people were diff rent ages and they went form an old man and went to a young sexy man i think that beauty is very awkward because at point in the story also everybody was the same age and they look the same and they coud of refered to eachother as brothere of best friends and i think that and beauty went a ong way becuase people having mifes and then you have 19-20-21 year old girls flirting with you i think it was very strange how beauty was in this story

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, chapters 3-7

after reading chapter 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter give your solutions for each?

A problem that Benjamin is going to encounter is that he is going to find allot of girls and that he is going to date them because there going to think he is a cutie and then in solution to that he is going to have to leave all of them to the side and say that i only want to be with one and it is time to get series because i have a teenage son that i got to leave a good impression on.

Another problem is that he is going to be involve with this new wife of his and he is going to want to spend the rest of his life with her and he is going to get young and he wont be able to be with her anymore in solution to this i think he should just tell them that i only can be with for a little bit of time before i have to leave and take care of some business and he will have to leave her.

Finally i think that another problem he will run into is that when he gets younger that all the people that were making fun of roger button son they are going to say he is cute and ask him on a date in solution to that he should say that before when i looked like an old man you couldn't except me for who i was what is the difference now i still am who i really was before

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the curious case of benjamin button chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks is worried about what people are going to say.

what should he do ?

I think that roger should accept his son for who he is he shouldn't be worried about what people have to say about his son that is his son whether he likes the way he looks or his actions he stills have to take care of him and love him no matter what. Also people can say whatever they want words don't hurt.

The Curious Case OF Benjamin button chapter one

what would you have done if you were roger button in chapter one ?

If i was roger button in this situation i would have a 70 year old i would take responsibility for my kid no matter what because i shouldn't be ashamed of what is mine so yea i would go around and tell people that he is my son and if they don't accept him for who he is and who he looks than they don't need to be involved with are family. And also no matter how he looks he will always be my son and you just can say that's not your son because he came out as a baby at the age of 70 not only that i would react like were is my wife she just had are 70 year old baby and she is no were to be found.

Monday, April 13, 2009


As I dribble down the court
I hear the whistle blow
The ref yells out two shots
And sends me for a free-throw
As I make the first shot it goes down with a swish
As I shoot the second shot all I can do is wish
To make the shot to win the game
And not having to hear people calling me a lame
Or it can be the same like all the other games
And have my name written in the hall of lame
As I shoot the second shot I have an image
Of me tripping over my moms kitchen pots
As I made the shot
I say to my self I deserve a big nap on the cot.