Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

One morning it was about 6:45 am sharp on a summer morning when are nanny enters the room and began to say Juliet and David and Marcelino wake up and report to your duty's. As i woke up remembered it was my moms birthday and brushed my teeth i noticed it was 7am and i was running late so i went outside and feeded the chickens, pigs, and horses. And i began to leave i see them eating there food as i go to the front of the house i see the delivery guy handing the packages of food for the animals to my brothers as they began to pack them in the shed. as the nanny Lisa is cleaning the house as mom began to pick the crops and as we get done with are chore's my brothers and i have to give the animals showers so we give all the animals showers now it is about 4 pm and we are almost done with all are chores as we go with are family and take a ride on the horses around the stable and we get done with all of are chores for the day.

As my brothers and i began to get hungry are nanny went down to the garden to get some bread and some apples so we get back home it is about 5:30 pm and dad gets home form work around this time we began to shower up and get ready for dinner as 6:45 comes dinner is ready we make sure we have everything to eat Lisa made apple pie and bread hot bread mixed with butter. dad was still not home yet as we sit down at the table to my brother sits to the left of me as my mom my brother and the nanny sit across from me we were able to enjoy a hot meal of bread and butter and apple pie and sweat tea. As mom began to feed the horse i was very excited about feeding the horse to as we get done eating we see are nanny cutting more food out for are father. ahhhhhhh as are whole family screams as we see are father pops out of the corner and screamed surprise as he gave his wife flowers and a ring and said happy birthday i love you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


1.) When people lie to me.
2.) People mocking me.
3.) I hate to Lose.
4.) I hate when people take advantage of me
5.) I don’t like it when people call me by my middle name.
6.) I hate playing on a team with a whole bunch of all-stars.
7.) I don’t like it when people want to fight when they lose.
8.) I hate people that don’t fight to the end.
9.) I hate traders.
10.) don’t like it when I put people under prepresure.
11.) I hate when my friends are mad at me.
12.) I hate playing for coaches that don’t have respect for the game of basketball and just want to win.
13.) I hate it when I get on my moms bad side of her.
14.) I don’t like it when people don’t accept you for who you are.
15.) I hate cheaters with a passion.
16.) I hate when family sleepover because I have to share my bed.
17.) I hate it when people try to be somebody there not.
18.) I hate bluffs.
19.) I hate it when I lose bets or money.
20.) I don’t like It when people brag about there game.
21.) I hate it when people take or touch my stuff without my permission.
22.) I hate it when people cant speak the truth.
23.) I hate it when I lose something valuable.
24.) I don’t like it when people are playing for stats and is not a team player.
25.) I hate it when I have to respect or do what authority say.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret.

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep I knew my best friend since we were in 4Th grade and we were close like brothers and we did everything together and we were the close to each other like I couldn't be close to no one else. And as we were growing up we shared everything we had in common and all are secrets with each other. Also I knew Shalala like nobody else can one day we were going to go out with are friends and Shalala said I think there is something you need to know I didn't tell you because I had to wait to the right time well I said go head and speak what’s on your mind Shalala began to cry and began to speak and he said I have cancer I said I'm sorry Shalala and she began to cry and I gave him hug whispered in her ear and said every things going to be okay trust me.

Another thing is Shalala thought by her telling me her secret I wasn't going to be there for him anymore because she thought I wasn't going to accept for what he has and some people have obstacles I life that they have to face. So as me knowing that she has cancer she told me that she didn’t want me to tell anybody I promised I wasn’t going but I was going to get her help because she was going to get through it strong and not give up on her self. Also I said that when you need anything i am here for you and you can count on me for anything.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How To Make Logandale Better

Logandale would be a better school if they had an intramural sports program for boys and girls. I think they should put our textbooks on our computers so we don’t have to carry them around. Also that we shouldn’t be forced to wear uniform. We should come to school knowing we look good and ready to work up to are potential.
Logandale would be a better school if they had an intramural sports program for boys and girls. One reason why is that if they had a sports program after school a lot of kid would join and they wouldn’t be hanging out in the streets after school. Another thing is that when we finish playing for our school team and are season is over how we suppose to learn more skills before we go to high school. Also it will give kids time to do something productive with there time and enjoy it with there friends. Not only should we have fun in school we should do our work to the best potential.
I think they should put our textbooks on our computer so we don’t have to carry them around. One reason why I think they should put are book online is because the school don’t got to be worried about us losing our books. Another thing is that if we get are books online on our computer the school wouldn’t have to spend money on books and they can spend it on better sports uniforms. Another thing is teachers give us an assignment on the computer they can monitor what we are doing and control us. I would say if we do what is right we should get rewarded with the good stuff.
Finally I would say that we shouldn’t be forced to wear uniform. I think we should have the freedom to wear what we want and be able to look good in school. Another thing is that if everybody wears what they want and doesn’t wear gang colors there wouldn’t be no fights and people would wear what they look good in. Also students from other school hear we don’t have to wear uniform there going to want to wear what they want that will increase the number of students at our school. Would you want to be in a situation like this.
In conclusion logandale would be a better school if they had an intramural sports program for boys and girls. I think they should put are textbooks on our computer so we don’t have to carry our books around. Finally I would say that we shouldn’t be forced to wear uniform. How would you feel if you work up to your potential and you don’t get rewarded for it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tony Ayala`s~ Life Story

I am so happy the day my son was born tony he was a little fat chunky baby i thought he was the cutest thing ever and i was fulfilled with joy when i was able to cut his biblical cord. I thought my son was the most important in this world to me i remember his first words that put a smile on my face when he said mommy he was 2 years old. Tony was always trying to be like his older brother as he was young. As Tony started growing up he became5 an athlete at an young age that started playing sports. He would always try to hang out with his other brother and his friends i thought tony had an idol his older brother. Tony became more older and more athletic he started playing baseball and he hit his first home run when he was 9 years of age.And as he attended school he was the best student but i say he was a in between student. As Tony became older he became more active he always wanted to do something productive he was very chubby kid and tall and as years went on tony became very hard and toke bas steps from his brother and was very hard to cooperate with. Tony was 11 years when He was in 6Th grade and he attended the school Logandale middle school and he meet allot of kids and that year tony slacked off and had to repeat 6Th grade again. them he passed went on to 7Th grade and meet the best teacher in the whole wide world was Mr. Fette and he was getting good grades until he started acting a fool at the end of the year with his friends. then tony became very athletic and he decided to play basketball every day after school with his friends in that year tony had allot of love and respect for the game of basketball that he won 3 basketball championships with his two friend David Marron and his other friend Alvin Anthony. As the year went on tony went on to 8Th grade and got one of the best teachers in the whole wide world Ms. Steier and he became a very great that calm down and new it wasn't all about him then that yeae r tony was 511 and 1/2 and was very tall he joined his school basketball team which was the Logandale hornets and they finished there season off 7-2 this year tony accomplished something he been wanting to do and that was bring home A,B,C, and to dunk he accomplished those two goals and also he learned not only that tony is a very nice kid that cam be good when he want.