Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reflection Questions 152-156

Why do you think Elie Wiesel wrote this book?
I think Elie Wiesel wrote this book so he can teach us how it was back in the old days and if it ever happens again we would know how to approach it and also he could be telling us this so that we realize that the way were living life now we got it easy and it is not nothing compared to the old days.

Why do you think he chose Night as its title
I think he chose night as the title because as the holocaust was going on he didn't really have any life or time to explore life and also that another reason is that he saw the same thing everyday and he saw black because he didn't see the real world.

How Does Elie change as a result of his experiences in the concentration camp
I think that he changed by when he first got there he was all scared and he saw everything going on and he couldn't believe it and as he experienced when he started seeing them do stuff its like it doesn't matter because he already used to it.

How Does Elie finally come to terms with is ordeal?
Elie comes to ordeal with his experience by teaching it to other people and let them know what happen and to prevent it form happening again and also i think he overlooked his past and started his life off fresh and also i think something like this is hard to put in the past.do you think

Give examples of issues in night that still arise today and what do you think should be done about genocide?
One example of genocide that kind of relates to night is that in south africa young african american people are killing the whites for no reason and i can compare that to the book night becuase the nazi's are killing the jews for no reason and they killed half of the jews and kept there hair and used it to make mattresses not only that they used there bones and put them in the oven and made soil for plant.And i dont think that is fair. Finally i would say that people shouldnt be jugded by the color of there skin.
Another act of genocide that relates to night is that In Sudam at least 250,000 more men,women, and children have died since the Bush Administration.Using the Janjaweed Militia, Sudan's regime has conducted a systemic campaign to kill and drive out Darfur's ethnic Massalit, Fur, and Zhagawa peoples. They attack towns, villages, and refugee camps.They actually kill the men and boys,raped women and girls, and poison the wells. Their goal is to replace these African peoples with Arab people with Arab herders. Another example would be China's "one-child" policy since they tend to keep the boys and men and kill most of the girls; a baby girl was found in the gutter and people just walked by as if it was something normal.Another example would be in Chad, militia brutally attacked villages,raped women and girls, killed the babies. and this relates to night becuase they used to hang and kill people and kill the babys when they used to cry.
Another act of genocide that is happening that kind of reflects with night is that in mexico in juarez. they been killing women because they work and because they want to become students. i think that relates to night because they killed people that just wanted to become good people and wanted to go good but they werent given that oppurtunity its just that the nazi"s kept killing them.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fifty things I Know About The Holocaust

Antonio Ayala May 12, 2009
Room 208 logandale school

1.) something I learned from the holocaust was that there were three different types of ghetto closed ghetto, open ghetto, and destruction ghetto.
2.) I learned that the word holocaust is a Greek origin that means sacrifice by fire.
3.) Something I learned was that the Germans targeted the non Jewish polish for killing and deported millions of them for forced labor.
4.) The Germans killed homosexuals and others whose behavior did not match prescribed social norms.
town and cities and made and forced them with limited space and they ended up with overcrowding,starvation,and disease.
6.) The German ss and the police nearly killed 2,700,000 Jews in the killing centers either by asphyxiation with poison gas or by shooting them.
7.) I learned that there were many kids of the ghetto around..
8.) Another thing I learned was that many of the deportees who arrived at the concentration camp were sent immediately to death in the gas chambers.
9.) Then I learned that over a million Jews and tens of thousands of roma poles, and soviet prisoners of war were killed there by November 1944.
10.) The ss considered the killing centers top secret.
11.) I learned that the Germans toke all there belongings.
12.) I learned that during the invasion of the soviet union in June 1941 the einsatzgruppen followed the German army as it advanced deep into soviet territory.
13.) I learned that they also killed residents that had physically and mentally problems.
14.) these Germans didn’t have any life and they called them unworthy for all things.
15.) the holocaust was the systematic bureaucratic state sponsored persecution and murder of millions of Jews.
16.) another thing is that Germans were superior racially.
17.)in 1933 the Jewish population stood over nine million.
18.) in 1945 nearly most of there Germans killed 2 out of three groups of Europeans.
19.) Many of these individuals died as a result of incarceration and maltreatment.
20.) In the early years of the Nazi regime, the National Socialist government established concentration camps.
21.) In the final months of the war, SS guards moved camp inmates by train or on forced marches.
22.) May 7, 1945, the day the German armed forces surrendered unconditionally to the Allies.
23.) camps administered by the Allied powers. Between 1948 and 1951, almost 700,000 Jews.
24.) The last DP camp closed in 1957.
25.) ghettos for Jews in Frankfurt, Rome, Prague, and other cities in the 16th and 17th centuries.
26.) The largest ghetto in Poland was the Warsaw ghetto, where over 400,000 Jews were crowded into an area of 1.3 square.
27.) The Germans ordered Jews residing in ghettos to wear identifying badges or armbands.
28.) In some ghettos, members of Jewish resistance movements staged armed uprisings.
29.) During the holocaust, ghettos were a central step in the Nazi process of control, dehumanization, and mass murder of the Jews.
30.) In January 1945, Soviet forces liberated that part of Budapest in which the two ghettos were, respectively, located and liberated the nearly 90,000 Jewish residents.
31.) The Germans regarded the establishment of ghettos as a provisional measure to control and segregate Jews while the Nazi.
32.) were closed off by walls, or by fences with barbed wire.
33.) had no walls or fences, but there were restrictions on entering and leaving.
33.) were tightly sealed off and existed for between two and six weeks before the Germans and/or.
34.) Even before the war began, the Nazis imposed forced labor on Jewish civilians, both inside and outside concentration camps.
35.) For Jews, the ability to work often meant the potential to survive after the Nazis began to implement the final solution.
36.) Jews deemed physically unable to work were often the first to be shot or deported.
37.) As early as 1937, the Nazis increasingly exploited the forced labor of so-called "enemies of the state" for economic gain and to meet desperate labor shortages.
38.) At the end of the war, millions of non-German displaced persons were left in Germany, including some tens of thousands of Jews.
39.) German authorities under National Socialism established a variety of detention facilities to confine those whom they defined as political, ideological, or racial opponents of the regime.
40.) many German law enforcement, social work, and welfare professionals as well as many ordinary German citizens.
41.) The basic notion, shared by professionals and ordinary citizens elsewhere in Europe and in North America
42.) As early as 1937, the Reich economy began to experience labor shortages in key sectors.
43.) In 1938, the German Criminal Police conducted two major roundups of so-called a socials and so-called criminals to increase the number of forced laborers.
44.) In addition to the SS, the German civilian authorities also required inexpensive labor for more immediate.
construction, urban renewal, and transportation projects. By the end of 1938.
45.) In the spring of 1942, Himmler reorganized the administration of the concentration camps, linking them to the SS Business Administration.
46.) 1942-1943 in an agreement with Himmler that these prisoners were to be “annihilated through work.”
47.) a legacy of Nazi efforts to exploit for forced labor those they perceived as racial inferiors.
48.) 1944, the death rate of the laborers in the all camps climbed astronomically.
49.) They collected all our belongings like brushes hats and other stuff.
50.) Though many scholars have traditionally counted the madjenek camp as a sixth killing center.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Solving A Problem On The Street

One problem that I see in the streets all the time is that people are always dieing in the streets because they have gang bangers out there that like to kill people and also that you have drunk drivers that drink there life away and cant drive and drive on a rampage and they take an innocents person life away also they kill people because they don’t give them the amount of drugs they owe them.
One solution that I think they can help people stop dying is that if they stop letting these game bangers run wild and free in the streets. I think that every time they see a group of young guys or ladies they should stop them because you don’t know what they have on them. Next thing I think is that they should park there cars in the neiborhoods that are affiliated with gangs for about 1 hour and make sure everything’s is alright. Then I think that they should stop and pull people over if they see them with a lot of guys in the car and they look suspicious I say it wouldn’t hurt to try. Finally I think that they should let young kids hang on the corners and if they do stop and tell them to move or your going to lock them up. Also they should have grown men telling these kids that they shouldn’t be out there killing other people because its not worth it and what you do to others it may come back to you or to somebody you truly love.
My second solution is that they should limit the number of drinks that people buy at the bar at the club another thing is that the state of Illinois should have a rule that you cant leave until somebody picks you up or you call a taxi I say this because you are not only putting your life in danger your putting millions of other people to because the same you have to drive they have to drive to not only that you know we have to here that somebody has died because an idiot on the street was driving drunk not only that there should have the time of the bars open to a certain time and only on the weekend because drinkers that drink 24/7 are going to lose there minds and go crazy so that another solution I think
Finally another soluiton I think is that people are also dying because you hve people that owe other people mney and weed and they don’t want to pay so that they have to go and shoot them or stab them to send out a message that they don’t play also I think we can resolve this by illigilizing weed and offering more jobs in the community and that will open the doors for people to make money and they will have enuff money to buy there own weed

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel And The Gretel.

When my family we starving and did’t have anything to eat are parents ended my sister and out into the woods to look for some food that we can use to survive not only that that showed me that my only parents that I thought were going to be there for me forever failed to take care of there kids also another thing is that my sister and I were living with a lady that tried to kill us another thing is it showed me that I cant depend on nobody but my self and that I was trying to collect all the pebbles I can to or keep us alive but not only overhearing my parents say that they are going to send us farther in the woods so that we shall not find are way back I think that my parents were being really greedy and stingy with there food they should gave us the food because were there kids and we got more to live for than what they do they experienced life we haven’t and we could of starvation.

Also thing is that what kind of parents did i have that tyred to throw there kids in the forest just because they didn't have enough food so that are whole family cans live not only that they didn't bother to come out and look for us we went to an old lady's House that helped us but really really she was in it to try to kill us and bake us so that she can have something to eat. but i thought that eve thought i didn't have a place to live i had me and my sister to care of so i defeated the lady and toke over the house and made sure that my sister was eating not only that my mom and dad got what they deserved for throwing us out in the forest died and hour later for the harsh she did to us.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr heidegger's experiment

write down your observations on this experiment

As me Dr. Heidegger's i would not receive to take this water because these people only went back in time for a little bit and they got young and started doing the same stuff that they did when they were young instead of doing better while they were older and also they are going to make the same mistakes that they made and why would you wan to go back and experience something that you done once twice and i think that what was the point of taking it because it is going to be there an limited of time and go back so i would that taking that medicine is only going to make you different for hours and then when you take that water all your going to do is fight with your friends over a girl that is a widow and when she was young she was very loose

Thursday, April 23, 2009

desiree's baby and the sequel

What i think that is going to happen next is that she is going continue living at home with her mom and the baby and that she is going to be safe with her mom and her son and she is going to find somebody that is going to accept her for her she is and that's what i think is going to happen also another thing is the dad is going to stay single for a little while then he is going to miss his family and he is going to want them back and he is going to do it before it gets to late. also the kid is going to grow up without knowing his dad. and he is going to know that his dad

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers For Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary why or why not? use examples from the story.

If I was given this choice I would not receive this operation because I think that it would be waste of time and it would’not be worth it because I think that I am smart also I think I should use what I have and I should not take something that is not important also I would say that whatever god gave me he gave it to me for a reason and I should work up to my potential what with I got. And also this surgery will only make you smart for a little bit of time and then you are going to be smart and using all these big words and stuff and then when the smartness goes away your going to be at the level you were at your not going to be smart that is something putting you to sleep and and putting something in your body to make you smarter and basically somebody being smart for you and your not learning nothing and also i would say that you have the ability to learn whatever you want without having this surgery because what god gave he knew we can work up to are potential and we can be successfully with it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

the curious case of benamin button chapter 8-the end

explain what this story says about each of these issues. use examples from the story to support your explanation
I think that what family means for me in the story is that his own family members couldnt accept other family members for who they or the way they looked they always had to come to comparmises with eachother and that means that family in the story was that they were like friends and really didnt care about eachother they always tryed to bring eachother down with one an other and family in this story was that they tryed to support and come along way way with eachother but something always popped up to ruin it.

i think that what agremeant in the story was that every time somebody got older than Benjamin will get younger and he kept on getting younger until he was a baby and always age was like that everybody was the same age and Benjamin was going to school with his grandson and it was like everybody will gain a couple years and some people will decrease in years so that showed that one point in the story that everybody was almost the same age and that they all were having the same habits and they all were encountering diff rent ways of living life at the same age.

in my eyes i think that beauty played a big role in this story because people were diff rent ages and they went form an old man and went to a young sexy man i think that beauty is very awkward because at point in the story also everybody was the same age and they look the same and they coud of refered to eachother as brothere of best friends and i think that and beauty went a ong way becuase people having mifes and then you have 19-20-21 year old girls flirting with you i think it was very strange how beauty was in this story

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, chapters 3-7

after reading chapter 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter give your solutions for each?

A problem that Benjamin is going to encounter is that he is going to find allot of girls and that he is going to date them because there going to think he is a cutie and then in solution to that he is going to have to leave all of them to the side and say that i only want to be with one and it is time to get series because i have a teenage son that i got to leave a good impression on.

Another problem is that he is going to be involve with this new wife of his and he is going to want to spend the rest of his life with her and he is going to get young and he wont be able to be with her anymore in solution to this i think he should just tell them that i only can be with for a little bit of time before i have to leave and take care of some business and he will have to leave her.

Finally i think that another problem he will run into is that when he gets younger that all the people that were making fun of roger button son they are going to say he is cute and ask him on a date in solution to that he should say that before when i looked like an old man you couldn't except me for who i was what is the difference now i still am who i really was before

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the curious case of benjamin button chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks is worried about what people are going to say.

what should he do ?

I think that roger should accept his son for who he is he shouldn't be worried about what people have to say about his son that is his son whether he likes the way he looks or his actions he stills have to take care of him and love him no matter what. Also people can say whatever they want words don't hurt.

The Curious Case OF Benjamin button chapter one

what would you have done if you were roger button in chapter one ?

If i was roger button in this situation i would have a 70 year old i would take responsibility for my kid no matter what because i shouldn't be ashamed of what is mine so yea i would go around and tell people that he is my son and if they don't accept him for who he is and who he looks than they don't need to be involved with are family. And also no matter how he looks he will always be my son and you just can say that's not your son because he came out as a baby at the age of 70 not only that i would react like were is my wife she just had are 70 year old baby and she is no were to be found.

Monday, April 13, 2009


As I dribble down the court
I hear the whistle blow
The ref yells out two shots
And sends me for a free-throw
As I make the first shot it goes down with a swish
As I shoot the second shot all I can do is wish
To make the shot to win the game
And not having to hear people calling me a lame
Or it can be the same like all the other games
And have my name written in the hall of lame
As I shoot the second shot I have an image
Of me tripping over my moms kitchen pots
As I made the shot
I say to my self I deserve a big nap on the cot.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

One morning it was about 6:45 am sharp on a summer morning when are nanny enters the room and began to say Juliet and David and Marcelino wake up and report to your duty's. As i woke up remembered it was my moms birthday and brushed my teeth i noticed it was 7am and i was running late so i went outside and feeded the chickens, pigs, and horses. And i began to leave i see them eating there food as i go to the front of the house i see the delivery guy handing the packages of food for the animals to my brothers as they began to pack them in the shed. as the nanny Lisa is cleaning the house as mom began to pick the crops and as we get done with are chore's my brothers and i have to give the animals showers so we give all the animals showers now it is about 4 pm and we are almost done with all are chores as we go with are family and take a ride on the horses around the stable and we get done with all of are chores for the day.

As my brothers and i began to get hungry are nanny went down to the garden to get some bread and some apples so we get back home it is about 5:30 pm and dad gets home form work around this time we began to shower up and get ready for dinner as 6:45 comes dinner is ready we make sure we have everything to eat Lisa made apple pie and bread hot bread mixed with butter. dad was still not home yet as we sit down at the table to my brother sits to the left of me as my mom my brother and the nanny sit across from me we were able to enjoy a hot meal of bread and butter and apple pie and sweat tea. As mom began to feed the horse i was very excited about feeding the horse to as we get done eating we see are nanny cutting more food out for are father. ahhhhhhh as are whole family screams as we see are father pops out of the corner and screamed surprise as he gave his wife flowers and a ring and said happy birthday i love you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


1.) When people lie to me.
2.) People mocking me.
3.) I hate to Lose.
4.) I hate when people take advantage of me
5.) I don’t like it when people call me by my middle name.
6.) I hate playing on a team with a whole bunch of all-stars.
7.) I don’t like it when people want to fight when they lose.
8.) I hate people that don’t fight to the end.
9.) I hate traders.
10.) don’t like it when I put people under prepresure.
11.) I hate when my friends are mad at me.
12.) I hate playing for coaches that don’t have respect for the game of basketball and just want to win.
13.) I hate it when I get on my moms bad side of her.
14.) I don’t like it when people don’t accept you for who you are.
15.) I hate cheaters with a passion.
16.) I hate when family sleepover because I have to share my bed.
17.) I hate it when people try to be somebody there not.
18.) I hate bluffs.
19.) I hate it when I lose bets or money.
20.) I don’t like It when people brag about there game.
21.) I hate it when people take or touch my stuff without my permission.
22.) I hate it when people cant speak the truth.
23.) I hate it when I lose something valuable.
24.) I don’t like it when people are playing for stats and is not a team player.
25.) I hate it when I have to respect or do what authority say.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret.

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep I knew my best friend since we were in 4Th grade and we were close like brothers and we did everything together and we were the close to each other like I couldn't be close to no one else. And as we were growing up we shared everything we had in common and all are secrets with each other. Also I knew Shalala like nobody else can one day we were going to go out with are friends and Shalala said I think there is something you need to know I didn't tell you because I had to wait to the right time well I said go head and speak what’s on your mind Shalala began to cry and began to speak and he said I have cancer I said I'm sorry Shalala and she began to cry and I gave him hug whispered in her ear and said every things going to be okay trust me.

Another thing is Shalala thought by her telling me her secret I wasn't going to be there for him anymore because she thought I wasn't going to accept for what he has and some people have obstacles I life that they have to face. So as me knowing that she has cancer she told me that she didn’t want me to tell anybody I promised I wasn’t going but I was going to get her help because she was going to get through it strong and not give up on her self. Also I said that when you need anything i am here for you and you can count on me for anything.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How To Make Logandale Better

Logandale would be a better school if they had an intramural sports program for boys and girls. I think they should put our textbooks on our computers so we don’t have to carry them around. Also that we shouldn’t be forced to wear uniform. We should come to school knowing we look good and ready to work up to are potential.
Logandale would be a better school if they had an intramural sports program for boys and girls. One reason why is that if they had a sports program after school a lot of kid would join and they wouldn’t be hanging out in the streets after school. Another thing is that when we finish playing for our school team and are season is over how we suppose to learn more skills before we go to high school. Also it will give kids time to do something productive with there time and enjoy it with there friends. Not only should we have fun in school we should do our work to the best potential.
I think they should put our textbooks on our computer so we don’t have to carry them around. One reason why I think they should put are book online is because the school don’t got to be worried about us losing our books. Another thing is that if we get are books online on our computer the school wouldn’t have to spend money on books and they can spend it on better sports uniforms. Another thing is teachers give us an assignment on the computer they can monitor what we are doing and control us. I would say if we do what is right we should get rewarded with the good stuff.
Finally I would say that we shouldn’t be forced to wear uniform. I think we should have the freedom to wear what we want and be able to look good in school. Another thing is that if everybody wears what they want and doesn’t wear gang colors there wouldn’t be no fights and people would wear what they look good in. Also students from other school hear we don’t have to wear uniform there going to want to wear what they want that will increase the number of students at our school. Would you want to be in a situation like this.
In conclusion logandale would be a better school if they had an intramural sports program for boys and girls. I think they should put are textbooks on our computer so we don’t have to carry our books around. Finally I would say that we shouldn’t be forced to wear uniform. How would you feel if you work up to your potential and you don’t get rewarded for it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tony Ayala`s~ Life Story

I am so happy the day my son was born tony he was a little fat chunky baby i thought he was the cutest thing ever and i was fulfilled with joy when i was able to cut his biblical cord. I thought my son was the most important in this world to me i remember his first words that put a smile on my face when he said mommy he was 2 years old. Tony was always trying to be like his older brother as he was young. As Tony started growing up he became5 an athlete at an young age that started playing sports. He would always try to hang out with his other brother and his friends i thought tony had an idol his older brother. Tony became more older and more athletic he started playing baseball and he hit his first home run when he was 9 years of age.And as he attended school he was the best student but i say he was a in between student. As Tony became older he became more active he always wanted to do something productive he was very chubby kid and tall and as years went on tony became very hard and toke bas steps from his brother and was very hard to cooperate with. Tony was 11 years when He was in 6Th grade and he attended the school Logandale middle school and he meet allot of kids and that year tony slacked off and had to repeat 6Th grade again. them he passed went on to 7Th grade and meet the best teacher in the whole wide world was Mr. Fette and he was getting good grades until he started acting a fool at the end of the year with his friends. then tony became very athletic and he decided to play basketball every day after school with his friends in that year tony had allot of love and respect for the game of basketball that he won 3 basketball championships with his two friend David Marron and his other friend Alvin Anthony. As the year went on tony went on to 8Th grade and got one of the best teachers in the whole wide world Ms. Steier and he became a very great that calm down and new it wasn't all about him then that yeae r tony was 511 and 1/2 and was very tall he joined his school basketball team which was the Logandale hornets and they finished there season off 7-2 this year tony accomplished something he been wanting to do and that was bring home A,B,C, and to dunk he accomplished those two goals and also he learned not only that tony is a very nice kid that cam be good when he want.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

When i meet a few people that made a big impact in my life and changed it around was when i meet Jessica, Luis, Edgar, David, Omar, It changed my life in many ways because One thing is that the day i meet these people i felt like somebody that had a meaning to be in those peoples life and that they showed me that they were true friends. Another reason is that they showed me and thought me that to be yourself be and show people who you really are don't hide who you are from nobody. Next i would say that when these people became my friend i thought that i had the best friend in the whole wide world and that nobody can replace them because i look at them as if it is the end of the world.

Another important role that they placed in my life was that they were always there for me no matter what and when i needed somebody or something they are something valuable and precious to me and as i look at them it is like they are the other half of me they help me and motivate me to get through life. Its like meeting them was very great because they got to know me very well and they new lots of stuff about me that other people didn't know. Also they showed me that they will never turn there back n me and that they love me to much to hurt me.

Then i would say that they do everything with me they invite me places we play basketball together and we hang out at at each other houses we spend time with every day and not only that we talk like friends we talk about stuff that i cant talk about with other people and i cant build a relationship with other people besides these people.

Finally i would say that they love me and no matter what they will never turn on me and that and when we are mad at each other we cant stay mad at each other but I'm glad to say that they made a big impact in my life and I'm glad that they are still in my life if they are and i love them for the bottom of the dirt to the endless sky.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents Are The Best Teachers.

I agree with parents being the best teachers one reason i think that they are the best teachers is because they have good habits and we grasp them and use those habits in the real world. Another reason is that they practice what they preach and do it for a reason because they want us to to be successful in the real world. My final reason is that they try to teach us how to grow up and not be little kids anymore and to depend on your self and don't count on nobody else. They teach us to be polite and to shoe people who we really are.

My second reason why i think they are the best teachers is that they have good manners and we grasp them and use those manners. My dad has good manners and he is really respectful and very smart and very talented and i grasp those habits form him to be successful in the real world. Also my mom has great habits and bad habits and she has a lot of friends for the simple fact that she is a very serious and she always says give respect to get respect. Finally My parents leave good reputations behind there self and where ever they go they get rep sect so i want to look up to them and go places where people respect me and take me serious. Are parents tell us this stuff for a reason because they really care about us and they love us to much to see us mess up.

Another reason is that they practice what they preach.They tell us to be good in school and not make a fool out of your self and show people who you really are and that what they do and they tell us is because they do it to be a very bright person. I think that they don't tell us stuff just to say it they tell us it because they care about me and they want the base for me. Next they tell us when we get in trouble that they are not going to be there for us anymore and no matter what if there mad at us they still give us the stuff we need.Then they try to show us if you act your age and behave you will get rewarded with happiness and greatness.

Finally they try to teach us how to grow up and not be little kids anymore. I think they tell us to be dependent and not to count on other people to be there for you but your self. Another reason is that they tell us that for a reason because they care about us and they don't want people to take us as a joke. Also they try to teach us how to be good men towards girls and how to respect them and they will respect you back. H ow would you like it if people thought you acted like a little kid and toke advantage of you and toke you as a joke.

I agree with parents being the best teachers. one reason why i think they are the best teachers is that they have good habits and we grasp them and use those habits in the real world. Another reason is that they practice what they preach and do it for a reason because they want us to be successful in the real world.My final reason is that i think they try to teach us how to grow up and not be little kids anymore and to depend on your self and don't count on nobody else.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill EveryOne Needs To Know

I think that a skill in the real that people will need to be successful in the world.

I Think that one skill to be successful in the real world would be that you will have to use teamwork because in the real world you would have to work with somebody and you will have to work together because two different people doing two different things will not be very smart. Because they will be confused and in the real world you will have to learn this skill to be successful in the real world. Next I would say that it is better to work with teamwork because if one is working better than the other and that one sees that he is better than it is going to turn into a competition and than you have 2 people seeing who can do it better.

Finally in conclusion I am going to give an example lets say that I am on a basketball team and they have 2 good players that are on the same team and they don’t use teamwork and they compete with each other to see who is better and every time one of them gets the ball they ball hog. So I would say that instead of them competing with each other they should use teamwork and there skills and dominate it against other teams.

Another reason that you should learn this skill to be successful in the real world is that you would need to learn how to communicate. I think this skill is very important in the real world because people in the real world hold grudges against one an other. Then I would say that normal people shouldn’t do that they should communicate and express they way the feel. Next I would say that we have people that been hurt in the real world by something or somebody so I would say that they should communicate with other people on what problems they are having with because if we have people that are always hurt and don’t communicate with other people they are just going to be quiet and be sad and depressed and then they are going to be so hurt in the inside that they are going to be motivated to do the wrong stuff and have a bad mentality.

Finally in conclusion I am going to give a example why I think that communication is a skill you would have to learn in life and be successful. So say that 2 people are arguing and they are exchanging words back and fourth with each other and they are just screaming at each other and they start fighting. I would say that fighting doesn’t solve anything its just make the problem worse what do you get out of it I think it would be better if you communicate like 2 human beans and if you learn that skill you will very successful person in the real world.

My Last Reason is that you will have to learn the skill being respectful in order to be successful in the real world. i think that is a very important skill because

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

The best day ever was when i meet my best friend David Marron and i met him Thur my friend Micheal Rosa and i didn't know him at the time so he toke me to his Davids house to play basketball so i went with them and i started playing basketball with my friends and as we started playing i noticed that David was very good and he war in 6 and i was in 6 grade and are school didn't have a basketball team so what happened was that we became partners and we always signed up to be on the same team and if we weren't on the same team neither of us wouldn't play.

Next David and i became cool best friend and we decided that we were going to be best friend and David and i choose to make are own team back in 7Th grade and we were with each other since 7Th grade up to this day we are still on the same team and we play for are school team and which we are going to help them win a championship so i think that was the best day of my life meeting David Marron because he is what friendship means to me and he looks out for me and not only that that we help each other with are skills in basketball and tells each other when we are doing something wrong,

Then i say that this was the best day of my life because i met on of the coolest guys ever and one of the best basketball players ever and i think that me and him are going to help are school win a championship and are other teams and we work as a team and on the court we put everything a side and we take the game of basketball series and not only do we play well we are like Dwayne Wade and Micheal Beasley on the court. and if i never met my friend David Marron i would never been so good at basketball because he motivates me to be a better athlete.

Finally i would want to say that not only do we play good on the court he is a very great friend that helps people out and looks out for them and he is a very funny guy and he knows how to have fun and enjoy time with his friend and he has a nice personality and he motivates me to do good in school so we can play together on and off the court so i want to say meeting David Marron was the best day of my life and i want to thank him for being there for me when i needed him the most

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her smile when i looked at her smile, i knew she was up to something.when i saw that smile that smile made my day i was shocked by her beauty and fulfilled with her kindness.As i begin to ask her name she said Jessica and i said that is a very beautiful name. and she asked me my name i said my name is tony and she said that my name is very "marvelous".As i began to say thank she said where do you live by and i told her i stay over on mango street she stayed a few blocks away on peach street. And i said that nice but i told her can i catch you some time later because i have to help my mom with the grocery and help her around the house i said it was a great pleasure to meet a very generous person like you that is kind and very beautiful and if you don't mind some time Saturday we we can go out for some McDonald's and catch a movie. She replied uhhhh sure why not i said is Saturday good i will pick you up at your place 6:00 p.m. sharp. next as we began to leave i toke her number down and i said by she gave me that very beautiful smile that just fulfilled me with joy and motivation that smile motivated me to just scream out loud i give her a call Friday i asked are we still on Saturday and she replies yes so i said i will pick you up and she said bye. And as i hear her voice on the phone i had a visions of her face with that very beautiful smile. then comes Saturday my best friend Omar comes and he asked me if i want to hang out with him and i replied no he began to start screaming at me and saying that why am i pushing him to the side and i had to determine weather i wanted to hang out with him or Jessica so i chose her and our friendship became to an end.Then comes Saturday and i pick her up and she knew something was wrong and i began to tell her the problems i am having with my best friend and she said that if I'm interrupting we can hang out some other time and i said no its fine thanks for asking she said "NO its fine hang out with your buddies ad wenng out some other time and i said really and i said that thanks so then i began to run to Omar's house and said lets hang out and he said all right and i said lets play football and he said lets go so we head down to the park and we play football then as we finish we headed down to the pizza shack and we eat pizza then we called it the night.Finally i went home got some sleep and woke up Sunday and called Jessica and said want to hang out she said yes so we went down to the movies and then went to get some McDonald's then i toke her home. As I'm walking home by my self i said it worked out fined i didn't lose my best friend or a very beautiful young lady named Jessica As i said to my self these last two days been so "marvelous"to me and my best friend and i were going to hang out with Jessica next weekend because he wanted to meet her.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things I Want to do in my Lifetime

1.) i would want to play travel baseball for the windy city wildcats.
2.) i would want to play high school basketball and football.
3.) i would want another tatto.
4.) i would want to go and visit texas.
5.) go to mexico and learn how to play soccer.
6.) i would want to do my taxes one day also
also i would want to attend the university if Lsu.
7.) i would want to attend the high school of lane tech.
8.) i would want to mmet the best basketball player ever kobe bryant.
9.) i would want to have 5 diffrent cars.
10.) i would want my wife to have 3 cars.
11.) also i would want to take a vacation every 3 years.
12. love my bestfriends forever.
13.) help my mom with money.
14.) would want to were over 400 pairs of jordans before i die.
15.) become one of the best basketball players over the world.
16.)i want to have 4 kids.
17.) love the girl of my dreams.
19.)and stay in touch with my bestfriend omar,luis,kierra.
20.)learn how to respect my adults.
21.)i want to invent a new ice cream.
22.)also i want to give my kids and my baby the world.
23.)i want to learn how to drive.
24.)spend the rest of My Life with Jessica Gonzalez.
25.)i want to marry Jessica Gonzalez and have her kids and stay with her forever!!!!.